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Ernest Hemingway’s short story “A Day’s Wait“ is about a nine-year-old boy who wakes up one morning with a fever. The boy’s father calls a doctor who takes the boy’s temperature which is 102 degrees so the doctor diagnoses influenza. The boy has been to school in France therefore he doesn’t know the difference between Fahrenheit and Centigrade. because of that he believes that with a temperature of 102 degrees he will certainly die, because in France the boys had told him that the normal temperature was 37 degrees and that nobody could live with 44 degrees. He doesn’t talk about his fear of dying to his father. Instead he waits all day and manages to say calm and keep himself under control.Taking his medicine, but refuses to sleep. The father finds his behavior a little strange but he doesn´t realize what is troubling his son and so he even leaves him alone in the house and goes hunting for a while.  Finally the father finds out about the boys suffering in the evening and explains the misunderstanding.

The story contains little action. It is mainly based on the conversation between father and son. Although the misunderstanding between them is simple and trivial it contains tragic elements. The boy is fond of his father and faces his imminent death with heroic indifference.The father is obviously a loving father who is unable to understand his son’s suffering.


The article „The big question: Can America ever be weaned off its love affair with guns”, written by an outsider named Andrew Gumbel, which was published on  October 4, 2006, deals with the problem that everyone in America  has a gun and should have.

In America, any person may have a weapon,  because it is very easy in America to get a gun, which also costs relatively little, especially since the situation there is also the law for minors, also because Patriotism there is very responsible and they believe their country, family, or to defend himself with all his might.
So the consequences are that about 15.000 murders are committed with firearms.
Those shortcomings have to be remedied:
Thus came the gun-control laws,to stop the gun violence.

I have a dream


1.)[e.] Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Declaration.

Vor fünfhundert Jahren unterzeichnete ein großer Amerikaner, in dessen symbolischen Schatten wir heute stehen , die Emanzipationsproklamation.

2.)[d.] But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free.

Aber hundert Jahre später ist der Neger immer noch nicht frei.

3.)[b.] We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the Victim in a nation of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.

Wir können niemals zufriedengestellt sein, solange der Neger das Opfer der unaussprechlichen Schrecken polizeilicher Brutalität ist.

4.)[a.] I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin.

Ich habe den Traum, dass meine vier kleinen Kinder eines Tages in einer Nation leben, in der sie nicht nach der Farbe ihrer Haut, sondern nach dem Gehalt ihrer Gesinnungen beurteilt werden.

5.)[c] Free at last Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last.

Endlich frei! Endlich frei! Großer allmächtiger Gott, wir sind endlich frei!

This is an excerpt from the Speech: (translation)

Lasst uns nicht Gefallen finden am Tal der Verzweiflung. Ich sage euch:

Trotz der Schwierigkeiten, die sich heute und auch morgen vor uns türmen, habe ich noch einen Traum. Es ist ein Traum, der tief im the american dream verwurzelt.

Ich habe den Traum, dass sich diese Nation eines Tages erhebt, dass sie den wahren Sinn ihres Credo in ihrem Leben verwirklichen wird, das Credo, das da lautet: wir halten es für offenbar, dass alle Menschen gleich geschaffen sind .

Ich habe den Traum, dass eines Tages die Söhne der früheren Sklaven und die Söhne der früheren Sklavenhalter auf den roten Hügeln Gerogias bereit sein werden, sich gemeinsam am Tisch der Brüderlichkeit niederzulassen.

Ich habe den Traum, dass sich eines Tages selbst der Staat Mississippi, welcher noch in der Hitze der Unterdrückung schmachtet, in eine Oase der Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit verwandelt.

Ich habe den Traum, dass meine vier kleinen Kinder eines Tages in einer Nation leben, in der sie nicht nach der Farbe ihrer Haut, sondern nach dem Gehalt ihrer Gesinnungen beurteilt werden.

Ich habe den Traum heute!

Ich habe den Traum, dass eines Tages in Alabama mit seinen bösartigen Rassisten, mit seinem Gouverneur, von dessen Lippen Worte wie Intervention und Annullierung der Rassenintegration triefen, dass eines Tages genau dort in Alabama kleine schwarze Jungen und Mädchen die Hände schütteln mit kleinen weißen Jungen und Mädchen als Brüdern und Schwestern.

Ich habe den Traum heute

Ich habe den Traum, dass eines Tages jedes Tal erhöht, jeder Berg und Hügel abgetragen werden, alle Unebenheiten geebnet, alles Gewundene begradigt wird. Und die Herrlichkeit des Herrn wird offenbar werden, und alles Fleisch wird es sehen. 

Das ist unsere Hoffnung. Mit diesem Glauben kehre ich in den Süden zurück.


This is not the time…. to take the tranquilizing of drug of  gradualism.”

a.)      He ask them to do finally, something, cause it´s your life and it´s now or never. Hurry up and start enjoying your life know.

Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to sunlit path of racial justice.”

b.)     That means to move from a lower to higher position ,so is rise in the above close in meaning to stand up or climb up.

Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst of freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.”

c.)      With it he says that those which fight for her equal opportunities should not hate their oppressors.

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.”

d.)     He want to say that they loyalties must be ecumenical, they must not remain a regional basis.


The Internet article “ President Bush´s Radio Adress, July 4th, 2006, taken form the website : , which was publsihed on July 2006.The speech of Bush was summarised into this article word for word, deals with the indepedence day and  that they can be proud that they are american.

First, Bush welcomed the Americans and wish all Americans a good morning, a safe and a happy 4th July weekend.

In the second he says that it should celebrate this day, 4th of July always, because thus we thanks for our freedom, and we honor the baevery and sacrifices of all those who have made thatf reedom possible. And so this day should remember all Americans, who has made this day possible.

All Americans can be porund of this this day and as we  celebrate the 4th July, we also remember that the freedom promised in our explanation is entitled to all people.

Finally he thanks to there, who defend our freedom until know because we defend with our lives, our property and our holy honour the freedom and therefore we still belive in the promose of freedom for all.

The Pilgrim Fathers

The Pilgrim Fathers?

Pilgrim Fathers are the English Puritans who sailed on the Mayflower to New England, where they founded Plymouth Colony in  Massachusetts (1620).The Pilgrim Fathers were a  group of religious separatist so they believed in religious freedom.
The Pilgrim Fathers sailed from Plymouth in England with the ‘Mayflower’ to found the first colony in North America in 1620.
But they had many problems on board like diseases, death and lack of room.
They were suppressed in England, because of their faith and 1620 they emigrated to North America.                                         After they got used to it, they gave a party „thanksgiving“, in order to thank the volunteers and God, but they only got through the first winter because some Native Americans gave them food.
And that’s why we celebrate „Thanksgiving“ still today  in order to remember the Pilgrim Fathers.

ein Mitglied einer christlichen Kirche, besonders in den USA, die z. B. lehrt, dass derjenige Erfolg hat, den Gott auserwählt hat

My One-minute Presentation about Up-to-date in the World

The Pic

The hacktivists „Anonymous“, broke into the website of the company’s „combined system“ copied, personal information, deleted the stored data and defakted the site.

Combined Systems produce tear gas, the tear gas of the company should have been used in Egypt against protesters. According to the hacker put the company weapons available with which revolutionary movements would be suppressed.


The hacktivists want to make it clear that they do not tolerate when companies impunity  „profit from the war „.

They also threatened the technical services of the company: If they help Combined System to set up the website again, would be published internal emails.

In my opinion it´s not so bad that the company was hacked, but that they threatened technical services if they help combined System to set the website up ,that they would be hacked  also, is stupid.

Stored data= gespeicherte Daten

tear gas= Tränengas

available= verfügung

impunity=ungestraft(davon kommen)




Thumps Up 😀

The American Dream!

The Pic

The American Dream?

-> A  proper definition does not exist, every US citizen has his own dreams or goals that they can  only meet, if  they work hard enough.
So in about you can define it.

History of the American Dream

– > Bad living conditions in Europe and the hope for better living standards in America attracted more and more settlers to migrate to the USA.

The booming US industry during in the 20th century ,so caused the myth “from rags to riches”.

Source :

PS: My spelling mistakes or grammatical errors can keep them.

Schaut es euch besser auf youtube an dort läuft es ruckelfrei& das vid ist eine Übertreibung vom American Dream

If  you like it „Thumps Up“
